Marine Sludge Pump

marine sludge pump, waste fluids with high solid content

I-f. Sewage Centrifugal CGW Pump

Qmax to 30m3/h, Hmax to 30m, Inline, sewage type(no-clogging impeller)

II-l. Sewage Centrifugal CPW Pump

Qmax to 100m3/h, Hmax to 25m, Sewage pump, non-clogging impeller

II-m. Pulverizing Centrifugal CWF Pump

Qmax to 30m3/h, Hmax to 3m, sewage pump, non-clogging pulverizing type

II-o Sludge Oil Centrifugal WYXH pump

Qmax to 6m3/h, Hmax to 20m, sludge oil pump for incinerator

III-a Gear Oil KCB Pump

Qmax to 570m3/h, Pmax to 0.6 Mpa, gear oil pump, max temp 100 degree, viscosity range 5 to 1000cst

III-b. YCB Gear Pump (circular-arc gear)

Qmax to 50m3/h, Pmax 0.6Mpa, gear oil pump, Tmax to 120 degree, viscosity to 1500cst

III-c. NYP internal gear oil pump

Qmax to 200L/min, Pmax to 1.0Mpa, inter gear oil pump, Tmax to 100 degree, viscosity 300000cst

III-d G single screw pump

Qmax to 150m3/h, Pmax to 1.2Mpa, single screw pump, Tmax to 120 degree, viscosity to 10000cst

III-e. EH single screw pump

Qmax to 120m3/h, Pmax 2.4Mpa, single screw pump, Tmax to 100 degree, viscosity to 15000cst

IV-h. QBY AODD pump

Qmax to 30m3/h, AODD pump(air operated double diaphragm pump)